Pastica de Jamon

AKA: Smoked Ham Spread.
Every time I make this I think of my mom. She used to make us a version of this all the time when we were growing up. She'd make a big batch, cut Hawaiian Rolls in half, spread this in the middle, and just like that we'd have sandwiches for lunch for the week. LOL There are 6 of us kids, so quick (delicious) meals were and still are her specialty.
T can't have the Hawaiian Rolls but he loves this pastica. We usually pair it with these Flaxmac Crackers or split an Everything Bagel and spread some on it.
Pastica de Jamon:
Ratio: 3.66:1 Serving Size: 1/3 cup (60g) Makes: 8 serving
prep time: 5 mins ❤ cook time: 0 mins ❤ total time: 5 mins
The What:
140 g Smoked Ham - canned
250 g Cream Cheese
50 g Heavy Cream
40 g Avocado Oil
20 g Mayo
The How To:
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Serve and Enjoy
Keep in an airtight container in the fridge.
The Macros: (for 60g)
Fat: 21.66g
Protein: 4.84g
Carbs: 1.07g
Fiber: 0g
Calories: 220.33
Ratio: 3.66:1
Note: Ratio's may vary depending on what brands of products you use. Please make sure you verify ratios in your Ketolicious Calculator prior to giving to your Keto Kiddo!